
Apricot, Date, and Pistachio Haroseth | view more Recipe

Apricot, Date, and Pistachio Haroseth

'2/3 cup whole almonds with skin, toasted and cooled', '2/3 cup unsalted shelled pistachios', '1 cup dried apricots (preferably California/Pacific), coarsely chopped (5 ounces)', '2/3 cup pitted dried dates, coarsely chopped', '1/2 cup cream Sherry', '1 (3- by 1/2-inch) strip orange zest, finely chopped (1 teaspoon)', '1/4 teaspoon cinnamon', '1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom', '1/4 teaspoon cayenne'

Pulse nuts in a food processor until coarsely chopped. Add dried fruit and pulse until chopped. Add Sherry, zest, and spices and pulse until incorporated.