
Zucchini Bacon Fritters With Basil-Mayo Dipping Sauce | view more Recipe

Zucchini Bacon Fritters With Basil-Mayo Dipping Sauce

'1 cup basil', '1 cup mayonnaise', '2 tablespoons water', '1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice', 'About 6 cups vegetable oil for frying', '1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour', '1/2 teaspoon baking powder', '1/8 teaspoon cayenne', '3 medium zucchini, chopped', '1/2 fresh jalapeño, stemmed and minced (including seeds)', '2 tablespoons finely chopped chives', '1 large egg, lightly beaten', '3/4 cup whole milk', '6 slices crisp-cooked bacon, finely chopped', 'A deep-fat thermometer'

Purée basil with mayonnaise, water, and lemon juice in a blender. Transfer to a small bowl and chill until ready to use. Preheat oven to 200°F. Heat 3 inches oil to 350°F in a deep 5-quart pot over medium-high heat. Meanwhile, whisk together flour, baking powder, cayenne, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and 1/8 teaspoon pepper. Stir together zucchini, jalapeño, chives, and a pinch of salt in another bowl. Add egg, milk, and bacon to zucchini mixture and toss to coat zucchini. Stir in flour mixture until incorporated. Fry small spoonfuls of batter in batches of about 10, turning occasionally, until golden-brown all over, 3 to 4 minutes per batch. Transfer to a paper-towel-lined baking sheet and keep warm in oven. Return oil to 350°F between batches. Serve fritters with basil mayo.