
Zach's Escarole Salad | view more Recipe

Zach's Escarole Salad

'2 heads escarole, tough outer green leaves removed, remaining leaves torn into bite-sized pieces', '5 sunchokes, scrubbed and thinly sliced', '1/2 cup blanched whole almonds, toasted and ground or finely chopped', '1/2 cup coarsely grated Tuscan caciotta or cacio di Roma', '6 tablespoons Lemon Vinaigrette', 'Maldon or other flaky salt and coarsely ground black pepper'

Soak the escarole in a bowl of cool water for 10 minutes to crisp it. Drain and spin dry. Combine the sunchokes, almonds, and cheese in a large bowl, tossing to mix. Add the escarole, tossing gently. Drizzle with half the vinaigrette, tossing to coat. Season with salt and pepper. Transfer the salad to a serving bowl and serve with the remaining vinaigrette on the side.