
Apple Pie with Cheddar Crust | view more Recipe

Apple Pie with Cheddar Crust

'2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour', '1/2 teaspoons salt', '1/2 pound extra-sharp Cheddar (preferably white), coarsely grated (2 1/2 cups)', '1 stick cold unsalted butter, cut into 1/2-inch pieces', '1/4 cup cold vegetable shortening (trans-fat-free), cut into 1/2-inch pieces', '6 to 8 tablespoon ice water', '1 tablespoon milk', '1 1/2 pound Gala apples (3 medium)', '1 1/2 pound Granny Smith apples (3 medium)', '2/3 cup sugar', '3 tablespoons all-purpose flour', '1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice', '1/4 teaspoon salt', '1 tablespoon cold unsalted butter'

Stir together flour, salt, and cheese in a large bowl (or pulse in a food processor). Add butter and shortening and blend with your fingertips or a pastry blender (or pulse) just until mixture resembles coarse meal with some roughly pea-size butter lumps. Drizzle 6 tablespoon ice water evenly over mixture and gently stir with a fork (or pulse) until incorporated. Squeeze a small handful: If dough doesn't hold together, add more ice water, 1 tablespoon at a time, stirring (or pulsing) until incorporated. Do not overwork dough or pastry will be tough. Turn out dough onto a work surface and divide in half, then form each half into a 5-inch disk. Chill, wrapped in plastic wrap, until firm, at least 1 hour. Put a foil-lined large baking sheet in middle of oven and preheat oven to 450°F. Peel and core apples, then slice 1/4 inch thick. Toss apples with sugar, flour, lemon juice, and salt until evenly coated. Roll out 1 piece of dough (keep remaining disk chilled) on a lightly floured surface with a lightly floured rolling pin into a 13-inch round. Fit into a 9-inch pie plate. Roll out remaining piece of dough into an 11-inch round. Transfer filling to shell. Dot with butter, then cover with pastry round. Trim edges, leaving a 1/2-inch overhang. Press edges together to seal, then fold under. Lightly brush top crust with milk, then cut 5 (1-inch-long) vents. Bake on hot baking sheet 20 minutes. Reduce oven to 375°F and bake until crust is golden-brown and filling is bubbling, about 40 minutes more. Cool to warm or room temperature, 2 to 3 hours.