
Yemeni Spice Rub | view more Recipe

Yemeni Spice Rub

'1/3 cup caraway seeds (generous 1 ounce)', '1/3 cup cumin seeds (about 1 ounce)', '3 tablespoons cardamom seeds (about 1/2 ounce)', '1 tablespoon whole black peppercorns', '4 whole cloves', '3 tablespoons coarse kosher salt', '3 tablespoons ground turmeric'

Heat heavy large skillet over medium-high heat. Add first 5 ingredients; toast until aromatic and cumin seeds are slightly darker, stirring often, about 2 minutes. Cool slightly. Working in batches, finely grind spice mixture and salt in spice mill. Transfer to medium bowl. Whisk in turmeric. Transfer to airtight container. DO AHEAD: Can be made 1 month ahead. Store at room temperature.