
Yorkshire Pudding | view more Recipe

Yorkshire Pudding

'2 eggs', '1 cup milk', '1 cup sifted flour', '1/2 teaspoon salt', 'Beef drippings from roast beef (about 1/4 cup)'

Preheat oven to hot (450ºF). Beat the eggs with the milk. Sift together the flour and salt and stir this into the egg mixture. Beat the batter until well blended. Discard most of the fat from the pan in which the beef was roasted. Heat an 11x7-inch baking pan or ring mold and pour into it one-quarter cup of the beef drippings. Pour in the pudding mixture and bake ten minutes. Reduce the oven temperature to moderate (350ºF) and bake fifteen to twenty minutes longer, or until puffy and delicately browned. Cut into squares and serve immediately with roast beef.