
Aguas Frescas (Mexican Fruit Coolers) | view more Recipe

Aguas Frescas (Mexican Fruit Coolers)

'½ cup sugar', '4 cups water', '4 cups chopped fruit (watermelon, cantaloupe, pineapple, papaya, strawberries, oranges, peaches, mangoes, or any combination)', 'Ice cubes', 'Lemon or lime wedges (optional)'

Stir the sugar and water together in a large pitcher until the sugar dissolves. Measure out 1 cup. Puree the fruit and the 1 cup sugar water in a blender. Pour the mixture through a fine-mesh strainer back into the pitcher with the sugar water, mashing with a whisk or wooden spoon to eliminate any pulp. Taste and add more sugar, if desired. Serve over ice, with a lemon or lime wedge, if desired.