
Zucchini Melon Salad | view more Recipe

Zucchini Melon Salad

'2 medium zucchini (3/4 lb total)', '1 teaspoon salt', '2 (3-inch-wide) wedges honeydew melon, seeded and rind removed', '1 whole smoked chicken breast (1 lb), skinned and thinly sliced crosswise with a knife', '1 (1/2-lb) piece Parmigiano-Reggiano', '1/4 cup packed fresh mint leaves, cut crosswise into thin shreds', '1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil', '1/4 cup fresh lime juice', 'an adjustable-blade slicer'

Cut zucchini crosswise diagonally into 1/8-inch-thick slices using slicer and transfer to a colander set over a bowl. Sprinkle with salt, tossing to coat, and let stand 5 minutes, then rinse under cold water. Arrange in 1 layer on paper towels and pat dry. Cut melon wedges lengthwise into 1/8-inch-thick slices using slicer. Divide melon, zucchini, and chicken among 4 plates. Shave about one fourth of cheese into curls with a vegetable peeler and divide curls and mint among the 4 plates. Drizzle each plate with oil and lime juice. Season with salt and pepper. Serve immediately.