
Apricot-Cherry Trifle | view more Recipe

Apricot-Cherry Trifle

'6 ripe apricots, halved and pitted', '1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice', '2 tablespoon apricot nectar', '1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract', '1 angel food cake, cut into 1/2-inch slices', '2 1/2 cups nonfat plain yogurt', '1 cup bing cherries', 'halved and pitted'

Cook first 4 ingredients in a medium saucepan over low heat for about 10 minutes or until apricots start to release juices. Remove from heat; set aside. Lay cake slices on waxed paper. Using a standard "rocks" glass, cut out 12 circles of cake. When apricots are cool, puree in blender 2 minutes or until smooth. Cover, and refrigerate 30 minutes. Stir yogurt into apricot mixture. Place a few cherry halves on the bottom of a rocks glass. Spoon 2 tablespoons yogurt-apricot mixture over cherries; cover with a slice of cake; repeat twice. Top with cherries and a drizzle of yogurt-apricot mixture.